Women Networking!

Women Networking!! It is though very important but how many of us really do that??

Nowadays it has become so important for your own growth, your loved one’s growth including your children, and most of all it has become a requirement to stabilize and sustain in this competitive environment!!

Networking doesn’t come naturally to females, this trait is somehow doesn’t come from within. We struggle to acquire this trait and least bothered to acquire. There is a big WHY to it.

Right from the old times, females were never seen as a primary member of the house; they have always been a support who had to stay within boundaries and is not responsible or even bothered about her own growth. She was contained in her own small world because she never explored the new prospects of life and was never guided, or for that matter no one ever thought that they can compete with the rest of the world, can make their identity too!

Slowly this feeling inculcated into the female generation and we have to accept that it has come in all of the females today. Inherited!

If I ask women a question “ Why don’t you network as men do”??she might give these  answers :

 “I have no time”

“I am not bothered”

“Will it help?”

“I want to focus on my  home”

“I will not be able to give time to my kids & husband ”

“What if I network?”

??? Don’t we think too much, do we really have so much in our head?

We as female have to struggle to network because we have taken so much on our head willingly that we hardly have time to think about ourselves, think about the benefits.

Another aspect is we are not aggressive  enough for our growth. We get satisfied with regular growth pattern and keep ourselves happy by thinking that we are doing a great balance. We lose our thinking power and make ourself secluded but within our own world! But THINK Is this what we want to do?

As Sheryl Sandberg very rightly said “ Don’t leave before you actually leave”. If you are working, never stop thinking about your growth, if you are a mom, never stop thinking the ways you can do wonders for your children. Do not ASSUME that you cannot do , don’t run until you really are out  from that situation! Face it!

Now the question comes, how can we do it?Can we females bring the change by having advatage of being in the same situation? Can we motivate and help others to move forward? Yes, why not?

Thankfully  many of the females have taken a step forward to help things change, and we can see a ray of sun hoping that it will change soon! Many  of us are changing and bringing a change in others too. Lot of networking groups are formed encouraging females from different domain to get together and connect.

Remember others can help but we are the only ones primarily to help ourselves!

we are solely responsible to bring ourselves our talent and growth by motivating ourselves, by networking, by following a “never lgive up approach,” and  believe that this can happen!

Strive for it, aspire to grow, change your mindset and most important DO IT! 

A modern shameless way of exploitation- An unforgettable experience

On a Monday morning, I and my HD went to buy a coffee at one of the Delhi markets. We stopped our car little away from the shop and noticed a little girl approximately 10 yrs of age, approaching to us. She was wearing school uniform, with neatly tied hair and holding some papers in her hand.

We both looked at her and could see that she is coming towards us but could not judge the purpose. she came and opened the driver side door and said “ Good Morning”. Before we react, She again said “Please help me” by showing the papers in her hand. When we did not reply , she stared explaining us in her language the exact purpose!!

She told that she needs the money and asked us to support her education by paying her the school fee. A paper she was holding was having the complete data, an appealing letter, some notes and the amount to be paid.

We somehow knew, this could be a part of some child racket and the child was being used by the same people to earn money, so we politely said her “No” , we will not be able to help you!!

After listening to “No”, she tried to get in our car and used her local language to convince us. When we did not respond to the little child, she left the place thinking it’s a waste of time and start dancing and moving towards the other side.. May be in search of the other customer!!

Whole way back ,I was thinking how people could be so ruthless who see children as a medium to make money. The child was being used to find the customers, without even knowing the reason behind her actions !!She was a puppet being used by some ruthless people to earn the money.

This would probably be the new strategy which people must have thought to be used. Training th children to speak their initial lines English (just two lines) to get the attention of the customers and pledge to pay their fee.

I feel ashamed to be a part of this world where children and females aren’t given the respect and attention they deserve. When will the mindset of the people change? How many more years should we wait to change this mindset.. What can we do about it? Every person adds a value, everyone of us should do something to eliminate these dark elements from the society, But the question here is “how can we do it”?

As a matter of fact, I also wanted to talk to the child and ask about the people who were with her, But she ran so quickly and there was no time to talk!!!

Lot of social service is being showcased to deal with child & women problems, but still these networks are active. It’s a complete network running across the local markets, shopping complex, and in each and every location of the city. This is a very vast network and we really need people to come forward to eliminate these immune and fearless people from the society!!!

A very strange incident and an unforgettable experience I can never forget in my life!!